ASG Election Results

President, vice president, and senators chosen

Collin BakerTHE SANTA CLARAApril 30, 2015Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 11.59.50 AM  [dropcap]J[/dropcap]uniors Aaron Poor and Madeline Owen won the election for Associated Student Government president and vice president yesterday. Avery Unterreiner was elected as Senate Chair; sophomore and junior senators were also voted in.

Poor and Owen used the tagline “Triangulate” to describe their three-sided approach to representation. The campaign marketed themselves with the slogan, “community, sustainability and snacks,” referring to their plans to better understand the needs of the student body, promote passionate action and emphasize the uniqueness of Santa Clara.

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“We want to create business reform, judicial reform and educational reform, even if it seems like a dream,” Poor said.

Unterreiner campaigned on a platform of action and responsibility. She emphasized a desire to return the Senate “to its roots as a governing structure” by passing more legislation that accurately represents the interests of the student body.

Contact Collin Baker at or call (408) 554-4852.


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