Irish Coffee House: A Night of Music and Luck
Who doesn’t like a little poetry on St. Paddy’s Day?
From Royal Gallery to Silicon Valley: A Renaissance Painting’s 500-Year Journey
Santa Clara University student curators bring rare 16th-century masterpiece to public view after nearly two-centuries hidden in private collections
Oscars 2025: The Great Honor and Art of Storytelling
This year’s films show that movies are not about money or fame; they are about a bigger picture
She Kills Monsters
A heartwarming and deeply dorky story about the power of sisterhood, grief and Dungeons and Dragons
Alma Ruiz: The Mother of Santa Clara University
The director of Kids on Campus has dedicated most of her life to the Santa Clara University community
Can Compassionate Leadership Still Exist?
From gun violence prevention to campus advocacy work, Tiago Moreno shows us what leadership is supposed to look like
Ordinary Things become Beautiful at the Winter Art Showcase
Students take over the Edward M. Dowd Art Building with an array of art pieces
1–Dollar Per–Oz. Coffee
The new popular coffee shop could be part of a larger trend to improve the excitement and quality of life around Santa Clara University.
Maya Gurantz reveals new display: The Plague Archives
This display enters the de Saisset into a new vision of interdisciplinary and transhistorical work.
Black Justice: Two Americas
Dr. Eddie S. Glaude Jr. gives an impassioned speech about MLK day and the inauguration
Bright and Bold; Santa Clara University celebrates the Lunar New Year
Dancing Lions Lead the Way as Clubs Unite to Celebrate the Lunar New Year
Reselling Revolution: Inside the Bay Area’s Thriving Thrift Economy
As young entrepreneurs turn thrifting into full-time careers, Goodwill's shift toward e-commerce and higher prices threatens their business model, highlighting growing pains in the booming secondhand market.