ASG Recap: Week Eight

Senate showssupport forundocumentedstudentsMeghan McLaughlinThe Santa ClaraNovember 16, 2017The entire ASG organization participated in UndocuAlly training at the week eight meeting.Representatives from the USAA presented to ASG because the ASG Executive Branch wanted to show support for undocumented students at Santa Clara.This was in effort to remain committed to the statement President Jack Herstam signed with student body presidents of Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States. This document promises to promote an understanding of DACA and the needs of undocumented students on campus.A bylaw proposal was made in order to allow more time between receiving confirmation that a presentation will happen and the actual presentation from representatives of clubs requesting Registered Student Organization (RSO) status.Herstam informed the Senate that the Malley Center will receive updates over winter break in areas that have not recently been renovated.Herstam also mentioned the pedestrian walkway on the north side of campus between the Dowd Art Building and main campus will be finished close to Christmas.ASG Vice President Samantha Pérez provided more updates on the sexual assault awareness project to replace the “Can’t Thread A Moving Needle” film all first-year students are required to watch.Pérez had a meeting with the Office of Student Life in which administrators told her a survey would confirm the need for an improved project method for educating students on sexual assault.Pérez continues to work on obtaining an online system for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) to use for scheduling appointments.She also reminded ASG that “When It’s Not A Great Day to be A Bronco,” a town hall where students can express concerns and receive instant feedback from the university’s student leadership, will be held in the Graham Commons on Wednesday, Nov. 29 from 5:30-7:15 p.m.The Senate will meet again during week nine at 7 p.m. in the Williman Room in Benson.Contact Meghan McLaughlin at or call (408) 554-4852.


No Recordings Allowed at ASG Meetings


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