ASG Recap: Week Six Editon

Senate talks recordings, contraceptives, government officialsMeghan McLaughlinThe Santa ClaraNovember 2, 2017The results are in regarding ASG’s decision to allow recordings at the weekly Senate meetings, and the answer is no.After weeks of discussion, the debate over ASG meetings being taped has been cut short.Although Senate Chair Aly Motzel announced at the prior ASG meeting that no further recordings would be allowed this academic year, a vote was taken at the week six meeting at the urging of senators.Motzel claimed the vote had to be unanimous, a decision made by the leadership and executive teams after listening to the previous discussions on the matter.Sophomore Senator Duncan McDonell suggested the vote use majority rules, but was turned down by Motzel.Any senator who opposed recordings in all forms and did not agree with private media services recording was to vote “no” and some did.Those who wanted to continue the dialogue of recordings and see what parameters could be implemented were to vote “yes” and many did.This vote came after Tedd Vanadilok, the ASG Center for Student Life Leadership Staff Advisor, made a presentation similar to the one he made the week before.This time, answers from legal counsel regarding the recordings were included. In the future, there will be postings notifying the audience that no recordings are allowed. There will also be an announcement at the beginning of each meeting.Vice President Samantha Pérez mentioned developing a way to make Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) appointments online.Currently, students must call in to schedule appointments.Pérez is also looking to move forward on getting condoms available to students on campus. The Cowell Center–Student Health Services does not currently provide condoms or prescribe contraception.Community Development Chair Elena Radding reminded senators that State Senator Bob Wieckowski will visit campus on Nov. 8 from 3-3:45 p.m. in Sobrato Residence Hall, classroom B. Wieckowski will speak and engage in a Q&A session. The Senate will meet again during week seven in Sobrato Residence Hall, rooms B and C.The meeting start time has been changed to 6:30 p.m. this week to allow Senators to attend the Last Lecture event with Lester Deanes.Contact Meghan McLaughlin at or call (408) 554-4852.


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