ASG Week Six

Senators hear requests for RSO travel funding

Anthony Alegrete
Associate Reporter
November 1, 2018

At the week six senate meeting on Oct. 25, several Registered Student Organizations (RSO) petitioned for additional funding for upcoming conferences and events at the regional, national or local level.

The clubs that presented budget proposals for their upcoming events included Igwebuike, The American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE), The Associated General Contractors (AGC) and the College Catholics.

Igwebuike, a Pan-African club, requested funding estimated at $3,857 for their upcoming culture show, which will use the potentially acquired funds to purchase new costumes and culturally authentic food.

ASCE made a request for their upcoming leadership conference, an event that will give members the opportunity to meet and mingle with business professionals, asking for $2,300.

AGC, a club whose mission is to educate students about the chal- lenges and tasks that come with working in construction, petitioned for funding to send club members to a competition in Reno, NV. The competition is a team-based event in which the Santa Clara chapter would send three teams and 21 delegates to compete in solving real-world construction prob- lems. Due to the large travel and registration fees, they petitioned for $2,700.

Finally, College Catholics asked for $3,112 to send club members to SEEK 2019, a nation- al conference that invites Catho- lic students to discuss their faith.

Senators will vote whether or not to grant the RSOs their re- quested funds at the next ASG meeting on Thursday, Nov. 1.Since many on-campus clubs rely on the school for partial funding, ASG needed to set limits for funding in order to meet the demand.

The new guidelines say an RSO petitioning for funding can only ask for 40 percent of all ex- pected travel costs and lodging fees and up to $25 on overall reg- istration fees, meaning the rest of the cost has to be covered by the organization or other sources.

Sophomore Senator Sahil Sagar commented on the impor- tance of providing funding for student organizations on campus.

“Funding RSOs is a huge part in providing opportunities to students that a normal college curriculum just can’t provide,” Sagar said.

Contact Anthony Alegrete at or call (408) 554-4852.


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