Bellamy performs for a packed house at Mayer

By Maryann Dakkak

The Activities Programming Board (APB) started the year off right, bringing Bill Bellamy to Mayer Theatre last Thursday to welcome us back to school. The show was sold out, with people waiting at the front to see if there were any no-shows. I've never seen a better multi-cultural cross section of Santa Clara students.

Bill Bellamy started off the night weaving into his show all the tid-bits he knew about Santa Clara University (he'd been informed about 10 minutes before the show about some key structures at the school, the past-Greeks, the women's soccer team, the Jesuit-nature of the school, etc.). He captured life in the dorms, cramming, beautiful girls, drinking, partying and more into his top notch (seemingly) impromptu show. I for one, and I can speak for most of the crowd, loved the show, even with it's incredibly lude ending.

After the show, Bill (I feel we're already on a first name basis) waited in the Green room to sign autographs and to talk to a bunch of students that had come backstage. I, being the lucky TSC scene editor, got first dibs at him. Here's what I got out of him:

The Santa Clara: Are you really as crazy as you seem?

Bellamy: Yes, but in a fun way. I really enjoy life. When people see my standup, they see my personality.

TSC: Why'd you come to Santa Clara University?

Bellamy: I've never been here before and they were really enthusiastic about me coming.

TSC: Now, did LL Cool J and Jamie Foxx really battle it out in the bathroom during the filming of Any Given Sunday?

Bellamy: No, they had their fight on the field. They actually kept some of it in.

TSC: Why do you always play shady characters in the movies you're in (Brothers, How to be a Player)?

Bellamy: 'Cause I am shady! (laughs) I have fun. It gives me an opportunity to show little pieces of my personality. I'm not shady in really life. I hope not.

TSC: Boxers or briefs?

Bellamy: Depends on how I'm feeling. Boxers let me chill. No corny briefs. We don't do that superman tighty-whities thing. Gotta keep it Calvin Klein.

TSC: Throughout your MTV career, who was your favorite person to interview?

Bellamy: My favorite person would have to be Janet Jackson, and second runner-up would be Michael Jackson.

TSC: How long were you with MTV?

Bellamy: Five and a half years. I stopped in '98 when we started filming Any Given Sunday.

TSC: Who do you hang out with?

Bellamy: All my crew is from the East Coast. My tight family's there. On the west coast I've got E Double (Emory Ward, who went to Rutgers with Bellamy), Larenz Tate and Chris Tucker.

TSC: What are your hobbies?

Bellamy: I play a lot of basketball and video games. I go to the movies all the time, but I'm behind right now. I saw I am Sam, it's gonna be really something.

And that's when the topic of conversation turned to his luggage. Someone stole it when he got off the plane in San Jose. So if you see a suitcase that has leather pants and a nice pair of boots in it, return it to Bill Bellamy, he's not too happy about having lost it.


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