Campus briefs
No Swine Flu Vaccine at Cowell
Cowell Student Health Center announced they will not be providing the H1N1 vaccine to the campus community because of a limited supply.
Cowell may offer it in the future if supplies increase.
Seasonal flu shots were available on campus Wenesday, Sept. 30 in the Benson Memorial Center.
A second clinic for seasonal flu vaccines will be held in Parlor B of Benson on Tuesday, Oct. 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The vaccine will be $25. Students can charge it to their Santa Clara account.
Cowell suggests continuing healthy habits to prevent the spread of the illness.
These practices include washing your hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, covering your cough and sneeze, avoiding touching your mouth/nose/eyes, not sharing personal items and staying home if you have a fever above 100 degrees and flu-like symptoms.
Saving lives one shirt at a time
It has been four years since Hurricane Katrina, but freshman Laura Snowden has not forgotten.
In 2005, Snowden and a group of about five of her high school classmates from Seattle started Shirts Across America (SAA), an organization that sells t-shirts across the country to raise money for Katrina survivors.
The group quickly grew to include over 400 high school students.
Now, as a first year student, she is bringing her work to Santa Clara.
Last week she coordinated a speaking event featuring Zack Rosenberg.
Rosenberg, along with Liz McCartney, both CNN Heroes of the Year, started the St. Bernard Project. SBP rebuilds houses for families of the Gulf Coast region.
So far they have rebuilt over 230 homes.
This past year, SAA became a partner with SBP in order to move families out of FEMA trailers and back into their homes.
SAA has donated over $50,000 to SBP this year.
Members of SAA have also traveled to New Orleans to physically rebuild eight homes.
"Ordinary people can come together and make a difference," Snowden said. "Zack and Liz aren't Brad and Angelina."
In fact, both Rosenberg and McCartney gave up careers in Washington to start SBP.
Previously, Rosenberg worked as a criminal defense lawyer, and McCarney worked as a leader of an education nonprofit.
On Sept. 29, Rosenberg appeared at Santa Clara to speak about his experiences with the SBP. The event was held in Sobrato Commons.
The event drew approximately 50 people, including alumni.
After the speech, Rosenberg and a group of alumni went out for coffee.
"It was cool that it was a cross-generational thing," Snowden said.
The event was part of the larger For New Orleans and Louisiana (4 NOLA) West Coast Tour.
The tour featured both Rosenberg and McCartney traveling through Northern California, Oregon and Washington.
They visited seven cities in five days.
Snowden is also working toward planning an immersion trip to the Gulf Coast for spring break, possibly collaborating with Seattle University and Gonzaga University.
For more information about SAA visit or e-mail Snowden at For information on SBP visit
Malley parties for tenth
The tenth anniversary celebration of the Pat Malley Fitness and Recreation Center will include a variety of events for students.
The festivities include free fitness class demos, raffle prizes, a climbing wall, bouncy boxing, gladiator jousting, a bungee run and a 3-point shootout. The Oct. 21 event runs 9 p.m. to midnight.
From staff reports. E-mail