Campus Briefs Fall 2012 Week 3

Associate Student Government to Complete Rechartering Process

The rechartering process, which has bee inactive for a number of years, will be restarted this year. Associated Student Government has been identified to complete the rechartering process during the 2012-13 academic year. The rechartering process is a collaborative effort between the organization under review and members of the rechartering task force.

The Vice Provost for Student Life Jeanne Rosenberger has appointed a Review Task Force as part of the rechartering process for ASG. This task force will review and update the ASG chartering documents, including the constitution, by-laws, and election code. 

The Review Task Force will address the inconsistencies, which surfaced last year, in the interpretation and implementation of certain provisions pertaining to election, resulting in significant disagreement over the controversial disqualification of Robert Leupp and Alex Sola-Guinto.

The rechartering process results in a report presented to the Vice Provost for her review and consideration. The Vice Provost forwards the work of the Review Task Force, including recommendations and materials to the Student Affairs University Policy Committee for review and comment.

In preparation for the fall elections, the ASG Chief Justice will complete a preliminary review of the ASG Election Code, with a full review completed within the comprehensive rechartering process. 

President Engh Confirms Key Committee Appointments

President Michael Engh, S.J. recently announced a number of appointments to university committees. Jenna Saso will attend the Board of Trustees Student Life Committee in her role as ASG President. 

Cassandra Francois will serve as the Santa Clara Law representative on the Inclusive Excellence Student Advisory Council. Frankie Bastone has been appointed as the undergraduate student representative to the National Alumni Board of Directors. Kori Lennon will serve as the undergraduate representative on the Academic A!airs University Policy Committee, and Roxanne Roknian will represent graduate students on the Student A!airs University Policy Committee. 

President Engh also announced the appointment of Robert Leupp to the Planning Action Council in recognition of his leadership, dedication and commitment to the Santa Clara Community. He has served as Chair of the Undergraduate Student Government Senate, and as an Undergraduate Representative for the Student A!airs Policy Committee.

California Passes Bill for Social Media Privacy

Last week, California lawmakers passed a bill that will prohibit employers from requesting social media usernames and passwords and other social media-related content from their employees. 

The bill, which will go into e!ect January 1, mirror social media privacy laws that have recently been passed by other states. Earlier this year, both Maryland and Illinois passed laws protecting employees' social media accounts and social media content from employers. 

The need for social media privacy laws has increased as social media usage continues to grow. 

The new legislation reflects a movement across the nation to promote individuals' social media privacy. E!orts to promote social media privacy are also being conducted on a federal level.


Campus Briefs Fall 2012 Week 1


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