Campus Safety Reports

THE SANTA CLARAApril 27, 2017Alcohol-Related Medical EmergencyApril 22: A female student was found intoxicated and unresponsive, lying on the ground outside of Dunne Residence Hall. SCFD was contacted and responded. Paramedics transported her to O’Connor Hospital. April 23: A campus resident was intoxicated and unresponsive by the kitchen sink in a University Villa residence. SCU EMS and SCFD were contacted and responded. Paramedics transported him to O’Connor Hospital.Alcohol ViolationApril 21: Several students were reportedly drinking alcoholic beverages inside the KSCU radio station in Benson Memorial Center. They were admonished for violating the Santa Clara alcohol policy. The alcohol was disposed of and they were advised to leave the building.Informational ReportApril 21: A student was upset and distraught after receiving intimidating, threatening phone calls demanding money. She filed a report of the scam activity to SCPD for further investigation. April 25: Campus Safety assisted SCPD in locating a student who was reported missing. The student was found sleeping in a Swig Residence Hall room.Medical EmergencyApril 20: A non-affiliate female tripped and fell on a speed bump in the Main Parking Structure. A Campus Safety officer gave her an ice pack and she refused further medical assistance.April 23: A campus resident was feeling ill and lost consciousness while talking to her parent on the phone. SCU EMS and SCFD were contacted and responded. Paramedics transported her to O’Connor Hospital.Student BehaviorApril 22: Campus Safety was notified by the parents of a campus resident that their daughter did not feel safe with her ex-roommate. The Offices of Housing and Residence Life are handling the case.April 24: A student set up a tent in front of the Administrative Enrollment building in attempt to protest. He was uncooperative when asked to remove his tent, but eventually complied when a Campus Safety officer attempted to contact additional backup units. April 24: A wallet containing a false driver’s license, belonging to a student, was found and turned into Campus Safety. The student was notified and the false driver’s license was confiscated for disposition.April 25: A student reported being punched in the back by her roommate at an off-campus location. She declined to press charges against the roommate.Suspicious IncidentApril 20: A student reported being approached by two men selling newspaper subscriptions outside of McLaughlin-Walsh Residence Hall. She claimed the subscription may be a scam. Campus Safety was able to identify one of the males via her subscription application. A “be on lookout” (BOL) was created. From Campus Safety reports. Email


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