Alcohol Violation

Jan. 11: Campus Safety investigated a report of amarijuana odor in a resident’s room. No marijuana orparaphernalia were found, but unopened bottles ofalcoholic beverages were found.

Jan. 11: Campus Safety responded to a loud partyin progress in a resident’s room. Several students and anon-affiliate guest were found in the room with severalalcoholic beverages.

Jan. 14: A campus resident was found in possessionof marijuana, paraphernalia, several cans of beer and twofake identifications in his room.

Information Report

Jan. 12: SCPD requested Campus Safety assistanceregarding video coverage of a non-affiliate female whileon campus. She is a victim of a crime and a sibling of astudent. Limited video coverage was found and turnedover to SCPD.

Jan. 12: Campus Safety and SCPD responded toinvestigate a battery incident. A Bon Appetit staff memberwas attacked by a non-affiliate female, who then left thescene.

Jan. 13: Campus Safety and SCFD responded to aDunne Residence Hall fire alarm activation. The alarmwas activated by a student cooking egg rolls with thewindows and doors open.

Medical Emergency

Jan. 9: A student tripped on her shoelace and fell onthe walkway by Graham Residence Hall and hit her face.She was given first aid by SCU EMS and declined furthermedical assistance.

Jan. 11: A staff member fell off of a treadmill andinjured her shoulder at Malley Fitness Center. CampusSafety, SCU EMS and SCFD responded. She wastransported to O’Connor Hospital.

Student Behavior

Jan. 10: A student was observed putting a note withracial slurs into the suggestion box in Swig Residence Hall.

Jan. 15: A female student reported receiving unwanted attention from a male student who made her uncomfortable. The male student was contacted by Campus Safety and agreed to cease and desist.

Suspicious Person

Jan. 12: A non-affiliate male was found sleeping ona bench next to the Fr. Serra statue. He was admonishedand escorted off campus.

Jan 12: A non-affiliate female was found sleeping onthe lawn area outside the Benson Memorial Center. Dueto her ill condition, SCFD was contacted and responded.She was transported to O’Connor Hospital by paramedics.

Vehicle Accident

Jan. 9: A student on a bicycle was hit by a vehicle coming out of the driveway at Campbell Ave. The student claimed he was not injured and declined medical response.

Jan. 12: A vehicle rolled out of its parking space in the Casa Italiana Residence Hall lot and struck two parked vehicles.

From Campus Safety reports.



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