Campus Safety

Informational Report

Feb. 14: A Casa Italiana Residence Hall elevator was reported malfunctioning with a student trapped inside.Campus Safety and an OTIS technician responded and were able to open the elevator door.

Feb. 15: An intrusion door sensor device was found missing from the the door of the Performing Arts lobby.

Feb. 16: SCPD responded to conduct a welfare check on a student who lives at an off-campus residence. The student fled on foot and stole a tree trimming truck, which he then flipped on its side, damaging two other parked cars on Campbell Avenue. He was transported to Valley Medical Center by paramedics on a SCPD hold.

Feb. 17: Campus Safety and SCFD responded to a Learning Commons fire alarm activation. A student claimed he accidentally activated the pull station when he lost his balance by pulling and activating the alarm.

Feb. 17: Campus Safety and SCFD responded to a Sanfilippo Residence Hall fire alarm activation. The alarm was activated by burned food in a second floor kitchen.

Found Property

Feb. 14: A key fob with a coin purse was found in Benson Memorial Center and turned in to the Campus Safety office.

Feb. 15: A wallet belonging to a non-affiliate was found in the Main Parking Structure and turned in to the Campus Safety office.

Feb. 15: A wallet containing a fake ID was found and turned in to the Campus Safety office. The fake ID was confiscated for disposition and the owner was notified.

Feb. 19: A drill tool was found outside of a Lucas Hall classroom and was turned in to the Campus Safety office.

Feb. 19: A long board was found in the lobby of Vari Hall and turned in to the Campus Safety office.

Medical Emergency

Feb. 16: A campus resident reported having a persistent sore throat and a fever. She was able to contact and make an appointment at Kaiser Hospital.

Feb. 19: A campus resident felt dizzy and nauseous after she hit her head on a wall in a women’s restroom. She was given medical assistance by SCU EMS and advised to visit Cowell Health Center for further medical attention.

Feb. 19: A campus resident reported having unusual nose bleeds while sleeping. He was evaluated by SCU EMS.

Student Behavior

Feb. 14: A student made an obscene gesture and yelled a profanity toward Campus Safety officers on Market Street. When the student was stopped for questioning,he continued walking to his campus residence. Campus Safety was able to identify and document the student.

Suspicious Circumstance

Feb. 14: A faculty member received a suspicious phone call from an unknown male, who claimed to have found her credit card.

Feb. 16: A non-affiliate entered Casa Italiana Residence Hall lobby by “piggybacking” off a resident.He was admonished by Campus Safety and escorted off Santa Clara property.

From Campus Safety reports.



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