Found Property

April 12: An iPhone was found in the Mission Churchand turned in to the Campus Safety office.

April 13: A skateboard was found in Lucas Hall andturned in to the Campus Safety office.

April 14: A cooler was found at the entrance of BensonMemorial Center and turned in to the Campus Safetyoffice.

April 14: A wallet belonging to a non-affiliate wasfound in Benson Memorial Center and turned in to theCampus Safety office. The wallet was turned over to SCPD.

Information Report

April 11: Campus Safety documented a report of apossible stalking.

April 11: A student reported that a car almost hit herwhile she was crossing the street at the corner of Bentonand the Alameda. She was unable to provide a car licenseplate number.

Student Behavior

April 11: A male student was holding an inappropriatehandmade sign at the main entrance of the LearningCommons. He acknowledged it was a fraternity prankwhen asked. The sign was confiscated and discarded, andhe was documented.

April 13: Campus residents were smoking marijuanatheir room. A room search revealed paraphernalia withmarijuana residue, alcoholic beverages and nicotine oiland nicotine salt.

April 14: Two students were reportedly harassingseveral people in the Learning Commons by asking themquestions in a disrespectful manner and videotapingthem. Both students were questioned and admonishedby a Campus Safety officer for their behavior.

April 16: Several male students were reported playingloud music and dancing on top of tables on the secondfloor of the Learning Commons, causing a disturbance.Campus Safety responded and located them in the Bensonparking lot. They were questioned and admonished. Theyreported their behavior was part of a bet.

Suspicious Person

April 12: A non-affiliate male was shouting profanitiesat the intersection of Market and Lafayette Streets. Hewas admonished to stay off campus property by a CampusSafety officer.

April 12: A non-affiliate male was reportedly foundinside the second floor men’s restroom of DunneResidence Hall. Campus Safety and SCPD responded.He was given a trespass warning and escorted off campusproperty.

April 14: Campus Safety responded to a report ofa suspicious male on the third floor of the LearningCommons. He was uncooperative and refused to providehis identification. He was admonished for trespassing.

April 15: A non-affiliate male was reported sleepingin the garage of a university-owned property on ShermanStreet and refused to leave when asked. He left theproperty upon Campus Safety arrival, but gained entryinto another Santa Clara property and later stole a 12-packof beer from a nearby 7-Eleven. SCPD was contacted andresponded. He was detained and transported to ValleyMedical Center EPS for a 72-hour hold.

From Campus Safety reports.



Grades vs. Grievances


Difficult Dialogues Passes the Mic to Students