Campus Safety Report

THE SANTA CLARAJanuary 7, 2016 Screen-Shot-2014-09-29-at-12.17.57-PM-300x256-1

Alcohol/Drug Violation

Dec. 22: Four males were observed smoking marijuana at Stephen Schott Stadium. Two of them went into the University Villas. CSS was able to contact one of them in his room for questioning.  Approximately nine non-affiliate guests were in the room. Five of them were under age. A room search revealed marijuana paraphernalia and numerous bottles of alcoholic beverages. Items found were confiscated and disposed of.

Fire Alarm

Dec. 23: CSS and SCFD responded to a fire alarm activation from Graham Residence Hall’s first floor kitchen. The cause of activation was burned cookies. Santa Clara basketball team members were the only students in the building during this incident.

Injured Staff

Dec. 29: A Santa Clara employee fell off his bicycle while he was distracted. He had a minor injury that was checked at a local occupational health clinic. The employee continued to work after his return from the clinic.

Medical Emergency

Dec. 18: A non-affiliate guest was reported having an asthma attack after performing in a play in the Mayer Theater. CSS and SCFD responded. Paramedics transported her to Kaiser Hospital.

Jan. 3: CSS responded to the Mission Church to assist an elderly female that fell and injured her knee. She declined medical attention.

Reckless Driving

Dec. 27: A non-affiliate driving a vehicle with its headlights off deliberately drove over the lawn, damaging a small section of Palm Drive.

Suspicious Circumstance

Dec. 29: An unauthorized drawing was found on the chalkboard in O’Connor Hall room 206. The drawing was erased and a work order was submitted to have the chalkboard cleaned.


Dec. 22: A laptop was reported stolen from a study room in the Harrington Learning Commons, when left unattended for a few minutes.

Jan. 3: The Bon Appétit Management Company reported a grand theft.


Dec. 23: Symbols and lines were etched into the second floor door that leads to the balcony of the Mission Church. CSS submitted a work order to have it removed.

Dec. 31: Graffiti was found written on the east electrical box at Bellarmine Hall.

Jan. 1: An intoxicated non-affiliate tried to gain access into Swig Residence Hall by breaking two windows. He threw large rocks to shatter the windows. CSS and SCPD responded. They arrested the suspect for felony vandalism. The windows were boarded up.

From Campus Safety reports. Email


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