Campus Safety Report

THE SANTA CLARAFebruary 4, 2016


Alcohol Related Medical Emergency

Jan. 30: A male campus resident was found intoxicated outside of Dunne Residence Hall. SCU EMS escorted him back to his room and evaluated him. CSS conducted a room search and found alcoholic beverages and marijuana. He became combative and refused to wake up during a one hour check. SCFD and SCPD responded. SCFD transported him to O’Connor Hospital.

Damage Report

Jan. 28: A large truck drove over the lawn area by the Malley Fitness Center, damaging the irrigation sprinkler pipe. CSS contacted facilities to shut off the water.

Informational Report

Jan. 28: A suspicious non-affiliate male was reported attempting to gain access into several campus buildings. CSS responded and was able to locate him on the west side of Buck Shaw Stadium. CSS escorted him off campus.

Jan. 28: A male student was reportedly struck by a car after having an argument with the driver near Jackson Street, an off-campus location. The student landed on the hood of the car and fell off. SCPD and SCFD responded. The student refused further medical assistance.

Jan. 30: A suspicious non-affiliate male was reported wandering around in front of the University Villas early in the morning. CSS and SCPD responded. He was admonished for trespassing and asked to leave campus property.

Feb. 1: A student reported that while he waited for pedestrians at the crosswalk at the corner of Palm Drive and El Camino Real, another vehicle kept honking from behind his vehicle and then chased him as he was driving away from campus. The other vehicle’s driver was later identified as another student. SCPD was contacted and responded to investigate the incident.

Medical Emergency

Jan. 28: A student reported having issues focusing and concentrating due to missing a dose of his medication. SCU EMS evaluated him at Cowell Health Center. He was released in the care of his parent.

Feb. 1: A campus resident reported having a sore throat, a stiff neck and a fever. CSS, SCU EMS and SCFD responded. The campus resident and her roommate were transported to O’Connor Hospital by a private vehicle.

Suspicious Circumstance

Jan. 29: A staff member reported seeing a male student carrying a sword-like item into Benson Memorial Center. The student admitted to have carried an umbrella with a sword-like handle. He was advised not to carry it on campus.

Jan. 30: An unknown male, who was later identified as an ex-student, was reported masturbating inside a vehicle parked in the Sobrato Residence Hall parking  lot. CSS and SCPD responded to investigate. He claimed to have worked for a campus resident. The campus resident was contacted and interviewed. The ex-student was given a trespass warning and asked to leave campus property. The case is being reviewed by SCPD.

From Campus Safety reports. Email


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