Alcohol-Related Medical EmergencyApril 28: A student was found lying on the groundby Bellomy Field, intoxicated and unconscious. SCUEMS, SCPD and SCFD responded. He was transportedto O’Connor Hospital by paramedics.April 28: A non-affiliate guest was reportedintoxicated in a resident’s room. He was evaluated bySCU EMS and was well enough to remain in the resident’sroom for the night.Found PropertyApril 24: A spear was found in the lawn area of AlumniPark and turned in to the Campus Safety office.April 26: A wallet containing a fake ID and belongingto a student was found and turned into the CampusSafety office. The student was notified and the fake IDwas confiscated for disposal.Information ReportApril 26: Campus residents were found in possessionof marijuana and an alcoholic beverage in their room.Items found were disposed of. One of the residents wasintoxicated and would not wake up when roused. He wasevaluated by SCU EMS.April 27: An unknown person had thrown dirt intothe Leavey pool and deck area. Pool services was notifiedfor clean up.Medical EmergencyMay 1: A student accidentally stapled her finger andwas in need of medical assistance. She was assisted bySCU EMS.Student BehaviorApril 27: Two campus residents were observedsmoking hookah on the third floor stairwell of GrahamResidence Hall. They were admonished for campussmoking policy.April 28: A student was reported arriving at his oncampuswork highly intoxicated. Campus Safety, SCUEMS and SCFD responded. He was verbally aggressiveto everyone around him. He was taken into custody forpublic intoxicated and for being in possession of a fake ID.May 1: A student was reported as being confrontationalwith a faculty member, after being dropped from a class.Suspicious CircumstanceApril 24: Cash was reported missing from theActivities Programming Board’s funds. Campus Safetyis conducting an investigation.May 1: SCPD notified CSS that a student went to ahospital by himself for a knife injury he sustained fromwrestling with a friend. He was very uncooperative withthe hospital staff member and SCPD when questioned.CSS conducted a welfare check on the student who liveson campus a few hours later, but no one was in the room.TheftMay 1: A cellphone, an ATM card and an Access cardwere reported stolen from the third floor balcony of LucasHall while the owner was napping.From Campus Safety reports.Email


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Civil Rights Activist Dolores Huerta Vists Campus for Film Screening and Conversation