Alcohol-Related Medical EmergencyMay 3: A campus resident was observed havingdifficulty walking and appeared intoxicated in the SwigResidence Hall lobby. SCU EMS was contacted andresponded. The resident was escorted back to her room.A fake ID was found in her possession and was confiscatedfor disposal.May 4: A student was found intoxicated at the exteriorof Leavey Center. He was evaluated by SCU EMS. SCFDwas contacted and responded. He was transported toO’Connor Hospital by paramedics.Information ReportMay 4: Campus Safety assisted a campus residentin St. Clare Hall to investigate a marijuana smell in theresident’s room. No marijuana was found inside the room.May 6: A parent notified CSS that her daughter wholives on campus was sexually assaulted by a student atan off-campus location. SCPD had already been notifiedand is handling the case.Medical EmergencyMay 4: A student injured his knee and ankle during aconcert in Leavey Center. He was given medical assistanceby SCU EMS.May 5: A campus resident requested medicalassistance for an injured ankle she sustained at an offcampuslocation. She was assisted by SCU EMS.May 7: A student was reported having a bleeding noseand vomiting at Kenna Hall. He declined SCFD responseand was escorted to Cowell Health Center.TheftMay 2: A laptop was reported missing from the men’srestroom in Lucas Hall after it was left unattended. Thestudent was advised to file a report with SCPD.May 4: A cell phone was reported stolen from LucasHall room 200C when left unattended for a few minutes.May 4: A MacBook and an HP laptop were reportedstolen from Lucas Hall when left unattended for a fewminutes. SCPD was notified.TrespassingMay 3: A non-affiliate male was reported harassingstudents and asking for money at the Benson patio. Hewas admonished for trespassing and escorted off campusby Campus Safety.May 3: A non-affiliate male was reported exposinghimself on Alviso and Santa Clara Streets. He wasverbally aggressive toward a Campus Safety officer whenquestioned. The Santa Clara Police Department wascontacted and responded. He was taken into custody forindecent exposure and trespassing.From Campus Safety reports.Email


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