Campus Safety Report

Alcohol-Related Medical Emergency

April 20: A campus resident was seen stumbling and falling while entering Swig Residence Hall. Campus Safety and SCFD responded. He declined medical assistance.Alcoholic beverages were found in his room and were discarded.

April 20: A student was found sleeping and wearing minimal clothing in the Graham Residence Hall kitchen and could not remember how she got into the building.She was evaluated by SCU EMS and escorted back to her room in Sanfilippo Residence Hall.

Information Report

April 18: Campus Safety, SCFD and SJFD responded to a report of a vehicle accident on Campbell Avenue. A vehicle, driven by a non-affiliate, had veered to the right side of the road, hit three parked vehicles and rolled over,landing on its side. The driver declined transportation to a hospital. SCPD and SJPD will investigate.

April 21: A student reported being a victim of a blackmail/computer scam. He claimed he did not pay any money to the suspect. SCPD was notified.

April 21: Graffiti was found written on the third floor men’s restroom wall at the Learning Commons.

April 22: An unknown person threw beer bottles and plastic cups over the fence into the Kids on Campus playground. There are no suspects at this time.

April 23: A female student reported being asked by an unknown non-affiliate male to come closer to his vehicle while she was walking on Bellomy Street. The male was observed performing a lewd act while seated in the car.The student refused to get near his vehicle and he left the area. SCPD was notified.

Medical Emergency

April 22: A student accidentally struck his forehead on a table while practicing a summersault in Mayer Theatre. He was given medical assistance by SCU EMS and transported to O’Connor Hospital by a private vehicle.

April 23: A campus resident was reported feeling ill after slipping and hitting her head. She was evaluated by SCU EMS, who then requested SCFD’s response. She was transported to O’Connor Hospital.

Student Behavior

April 18: A student refused to leave a professor’s office after being asked several times. Campus Safety responded and escorted the student out of the building.

April 20: A campus resident kicked some chairs at the Graham Residence Hall entrance door because he was upset his friend didn’t get accepted to a fraternity. He was contacted by a Campus Safety officer and he apologized for his behavior. No damage was detected.

April 20: A student was observed urinating on the wall by SCPD in the Dunne parking lot. He was intoxicated and unable to care for himself. He was taken into custody by SCPD for public intoxication.


April 19: Two non-affiliates were seen going through a recycling recepticle by Dunne Residence Hall. They also had a dog without a leash. They were admonished for trespassing and asked to leave campus property.

From Campus Safety reports.



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