Keeping the Dream (Act) Alive

Undocumented Students & Allies Association November 8, 2017One year ago, the Undocumented Students and Allies Association (USAA) held a walkout in solidarity with communities who felt marginalized because of the new administration. Although there was a great deal of fear of the uncertainty, we found a community and considerable relief in the realization that there were supportive people.Two months ago, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), was rescinded. This action affected both students on our campus and throughout the nation—approximately 800,000 young people. Many DACA recipients graduated from our own institution or are currently in the process of earning their degree. We have joined together in the past and it is time to do it again. We are at a definitive moment and we have the power to take action to make a real change.For the first time in years, Congress is taking action towards this situation and we should continue to pressure them in order to ensure they do their job. We, the Undocumented Students and Allies Association, would like to invite you to a calling campaign taking place on Thursday, Nov. 9 from 12-4 p.m. in Shapell Lounge.On Nov. 9, students nationwide are walking out of their classrooms, and those who are in the D.C. area will walk to their legislators' office and demand the passage of a “clean” Dream Act. They are demanding for a legislation that will protect some undocumented people, including those who were DACA recipients, but would not fund the criminalization of our parents and families. Although we are aware that the whole immigration system must be fixed, we also need to take into consideration the safety of our families to ensure our success as individuals and students.This is a plea for help from the undocumented friend who may be sitting next to you in one of your classes. For many of us, a legislative action like this is our only hope to continue the pursuit of our education and future careers. One call to your representative could make a difference in a decision that will impact a fellow student’s life.This Thursday, we urge you to join us in Shapell Lounge to call local representatives. Additionally, if you would rather use different means to contact your representative, we will have postcards available for you to sign and send to legislators.To find out who your representative is and what script to follow, visit the Undocumented Students & Allies Association Facebook page.


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