Farewell, Mondo

Restaurant Celebrates

Sascha GombergTHE SANTA CLARAOctober 29, 2015IMG_0062

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ondo Burrito is gone. However, the local Mexican restaurant left Santa Clara with quite a bang. On Friday Oct. 30,  Mondo hosted a final happy hour, to say goodbye to the community.

Hundreds of people showed up. A diverse crowd of college students in costume, families with kids and even an organized group of German Shepherd owners, with their  dogs light up collars, were present.

“Personally, I thought it was a blast,” said sophomore Shima Dadashzadeh. “I thought it was nice that the students all came together to support a local business the way they did.”

At 5 p.m., the line to get a burrito was already out the door, and by 7 p.m. the line stretched near to the street. At one point, some of Mondo’s staff came out into the parking lot and let people order drinks from the line, which they brought out to the thirsty customers on platters. Swirled margaritas were flowing and tables were full of people shouting over each other.

All of the workers were dressed in costumes, but were, nonetheless, able to make delicious burritos.

At the event, Mondo employees announced that the restaurant would host an auction on Monday morning to sell off iconic decorations and machinery that they have used over the years, including neon light beer logos and a kegerator.

The event was bittersweet for the employees of the beloved local restaurant.

“The energy was crazy. It was hectic with the line out the door, but it was the most fun night I’ve ever had working at any of my jobs,” said sophomore Matt Ryan, who worked at Mondo. “I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry the whole night...It’s sad that the physical place no longer exists, but I know that we’ll maintain our love for each other forever.”

Mondo would have been 19 years old this January. Over the years it has provided the Santa Clara community with a savory menu and an intimate atmosphere.

During their final happy hour, a few of the staff members came out to talk and eat with friends that stopped by. Some staff even brought over glasses of wine and one man gave a speech. Mondo Burrito will certainly be missed.

Contact Sascha Gomberg at sgomberg@scu.edu.

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