Her Voice Prevails

By Rachel Davidson


Launched Oct. 9, Her Campus Santa Clara is an online magazine for women to find personalized information about what's going on at Santa Clara as well as offer a chance to all students to publish their original writing for fellow Broncos.

The launch marks a new coalition of women journalists on college campuses across the country making its way to the community.

The national Her Campus website was founded three years ago by three Harvard University students, Stephanie Kaplan, Windsor Hanger, and Annie Wang, who have been recognized for their entrepreneurial skills and leadership by Bloomberg Businessweek, Glamour Magazine and The Boston Globe. Her Campus helps college girls around the nation establish a charter at their home school to build a better reputation and knowledge of the world of journalism.

Neither Lee nor Grills see magazine journalism in their distant future. Lee is a marketing major and Grills is studying mechanical engineering, but both share a keen interest in journalism. Lee describes starting a branch of Her Campus at Santa Clara as "kind of a fun project for something that I enjoy."

The magazine has seven featured sections: News, a weekly poll, Blog, Campus Celebrities, Campus Cuties, Upcoming Events, and a photo blog. This week's 'Campus Celebrity?' is freshman midfielder Ryan Masch, who has had an incredible season so far and has been named West Coast Conference Player of the Week. 

"We're trying to publish content every other day after this first week," said sophomore Sydney Lee. "That should get easier as we get more writers."

Lee and sophomore Abigail Grills are both the co-presidents and co-editors-in-chief of Her Campus Santa Clara. Currently all of their efforts are being funneled into building their staff. So far, the administrative staff is made up of two writers and three section editors who all are underclassmen.

Her Campus SC has also already met with Santa Clara's newest sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, to discuss collaborative events and publishing material.

"We thought it'd be a really good way to get our name out there and also really fun," said Lee.

As far as advertising goes, the team has been outspoken on social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter and are currently designing flyers to post in dorms.

Lee said that they hope to be a registered club by the end of year, though for now their applications and job descriptions can be found on BroncoLink under part-time volunteer positions.

"We've actually gotten pretty good feedback from people," said Lee. 

Contact Rachel Davidson at rldavidson@scu.edu or call (408) 554-4948.


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