Integrated Strategic Plan to Broaden University Diversity within University

Goals for 2020 aim for inclusion of minoritiesNicolas SonnenburgTHE SANTA CLARAMay 8, 2014Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 1.35.30 AM[dropcap]S[/dropcap]tudents with an objective of improving Santa Clara’s cultural landscape participated in a facilitated conversation on Tuesday night. The discussion revolved around the promotion of diversity, retention of students of color and furthering the success of minorities during and after their time at Santa Clara.In an effort to foster more discussion and public awareness of the 2020 Santa Clara Strategic Plan, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion held a public forum to gauge undergraduate and graduate student opinion on the direction in which the school is moving.Aldo Billingslea, associate provost for Diversity and Inclusion, and Jesse Bernal, director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, began the forum by introducing Goal 5 of the university-wide strategic plan: “increasing diversity, access and affordability.”The two discussed existing programs and areas that the school could improve upon. This discussion was then followed by a break-up session during which four smaller groups debated various issues.The concerns discussed involved the LEAD Scholars Program for first generation college students, the possibility of a mentorship program for minority students, increased outreach to local disadvantaged high school students, improving communication with alumni and a streamlining of the process by which students receive information from groups, such as the Rainbow Resource Center. Contact Nicolas Sonnenburg at .or call (408) 554-4852.  


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