Joint Brings Sea to Bay Area

Lauren BonneyTHE SANTA CLARAApril 3, 2014dia-de-pesca It’s the beginning of a new quarter, which brings new classes, new weather and, above all, new experiences. Spring quarter at Santa Clara is a great season to go out and try new things, and what better way to expand your horizons than to taste some fresh new flavors.Día de Pesca, the restaurant located on North Bascom Avenue, is a fabulous take on traditional Mexican food that would make anyone think that they are dining right next to the ocean instead of in San Jose. This restaurant, like the name suggests, is all about fish. Fish tacos, fish burritos, fish quesadillas. It is fish galore at Día de Pesca, and it is absolutely delicious.However, Día de Pesca  has not always been an established restaurant, and was actually a food truck roaming the streets of the Bay Area in its early stages. However, its amazing flavors and fresh new ideas quickly produced a large following and the Día de Pesca team was able to become a permanent dining facility. Their customers have only increased since the opening of their restaurant and it is not uncommon for there to be a lengthy line of eager consumers emerging from the front door during lunch and dinner time. So, if there is a long line coming out of the door, be patient because the food is totally worth it.And just a little heads up, the restaurant is cash only, but if you happen to drive by on a whim and have left your bills at home, the restaurant has an ATM located conveniently inside the establishment. Día de Pesca’s menu is a little overwhelming because it has so many scrumptious options that it is often difficult to make a decision. The menu has every kind of fish you can think of to include in your meal including halibut, scallops, prawns and even octopus. The fried halibut tacos and burrito are to die for and the fish is melt-in-your-mouth good. But if you are thinking about a more simple meal, the scallop quesadilla is a great take on an old classic. For you non-fish eaters out there, the restaurant also offers typical proteins, like chicken, pork and beef, but step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Everything on the menu is relatively inexpensive, so feel free to splurge a little bit and buy the “Sí Food” Super Sampler platter, which offers a variety of Mexican seafood dishes.Take advantage of the spring quarter and try something new with Día de Pesca, where seafood becomes “sí food.” Contact Lauren Bonney at or call (408) 554-4852.