Letter from the Editor

In the wee hours of this morning, Sept. 29th, I’m sitting at the newsroom table surrounded by The Santa Clara’s brilliant editorial staff. We’re eating Thai takeout and listening to Chet Baker. It’s already past the official deadline to get the paper to the printers, but we’re still poring over articles, arguing about layouts and desperately seeking synonyms for words that have been stumping us for hours.

Working closely with such dedicated, passionate and intelligent peers who take pride in creating together is a unique experience that I could not be more grateful for. And the best part of working on The Santa Clara is that we get to share our work with all of you.

This year, print editions will be distributed around campus every other week. This is a big step for a newspaper that returned to print last year, and I am excited to lead The Santa Clara as we take this step forward.

I have so many hopes for The Santa Clara and so much gratitude for those who have worked to bring the newspaper to a point where these hopes are possible. To last year’s staff: thank you for helping me to grow as a writer, editor and leader, and for creating a culture of creativity. To Samantha Stahl, my predecessor: your transformation of The Santa Clara is a gift to many, and I cannot express how lucky I feel to inherit the work of your genius mind.

To our readers: thank you for picking up this copy of The Santa Clara. Here’s to many more!

All my best,

Rhiannon Briggs



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