More change needed
By Editorial
In last week's issue of The Santa Clara, we reported that the university would continue to build upon academic excellence and diversity in order to become one of the top five Catholic institutions in the nation.
We commend the university for such goals, and we believe that Santa Clara can become the next Georgetown. However, we think that a more comprehensive plan with a detailed strategy should be implemented before we commit to such goals.
It is good that the university is offering tenure to more faculty and to increase admission standards. But what university isn't?
We believe that the university needs to expand its doctoral, master's and undergraduate programs in order to increase the range of academic excellence. And even though Fr. Locatelli in our interviews disliked the idea of focusing on research at Santa Clara, we believe that it is essential to becoming an academic stronghold in the educational world. Research institutions reflect robust degree programs and create a reputation that reaches beyond the bubble of the west coast.
We also commend the university for continuing to increase financial aid services in the midst of rising tuition. This ensures that people from various socioeconomic backgrounds are represented in the Santa Clara populace.
However, we do think that the university needs to strive more to create a campus which is open to diversity. The university has an obligation not only to create tolerance, but also to create understanding.
The Bridge Program and a multicultural core classes aren't enough; the efforts need to start in the community and continue through academics.
Finally, the university should offer contraception to the Santa Clara student body. We understand that we're a Catholic university, but offering contraception is a matter of student health, not faith.
In all, we believe that if we want to become a top Catholic university, changes need to be made.