Opinion Wants You

Celia MartinezOctober 4, 2018As I am quickly learning, being an opinion editor in 2018 is no small feat.It is hard enough to get people to read the newspaper, let alone voluntarily submit articles.The political climate has people afraid that they will be demonized for expressing their opinions.The job vetting process has become so extreme that individuals are afraid of what future employers might think if their articles get published.Students and faculty are busy with their work and assume they don’t have the time to write and edit an article. There are also several other media outlets and platforms on campus through which people can express their opinions.The odds are not in my favor.In spite of all this, my goal in writing this article is to convince more students, staff and faculty at Santa Clara to submit pieces to the opinion section.Anyone who is well-versed in the news knows that the opinion section is a major component of all news organizations. It is the one place in the paper that grants individuals the freedom to express themselves and share their ideas.As vital as the opinion section is to our society and democracy, one could argue that the opinions featured in college newspapers are just as important, if not more important than those featured in The New York Times or The Washington Post.College is a rich academic learning environment that does not have to mirror the divisive rhetoric in Washington, D.C. or even on social media.Unlike major news corporations, The Santa Clara gives the community the opportunity to be heard. I know that there are many people at Santa Clara who have compelling stories and great ideas.As a student, I am constantly watching my peers as well as faculty and staff challenge, inspire and motivate one another to work harder and think creatively both in and out of the classroom.I want the opinion section in The Santa Clara to be a reflection of the comradery, opposition and creativity I see on campus every day.When given the proper platform, these opinions not only have the power to delight and challenge others, but also have the potential to affect positive change on campus, in our local community and throughout society.As a community but more importantly, as a university, we have a responsibility to facilitate and support the sharing of ideas.It is our job as students, with help from our professors, to ensure that the lessons learned in class are brought to fruition and translated into life outside of the classroom.Therefore, in order to make the opinion section of the newspaper the best it can be, I need your input. This, however, is not a cry for help. It is a call to action.To anyone interested in submitting an article for potential publication in The Santa Clara, please email opinion@thesantaclara.org.Celia Martinez is a sophomore political science and communication double major and Opinion Editor of The Santa Clara.


Out With the Negative and In With the Positive
