Release the Blue Ribbon Commision Report

Unity 4February 2, 2017When the Unity 4 movement began, it was in response to a specific incident that brought attention to the unsafe campus environment that was neither being recognized nor addressed by the university as an institution. We wanted to hold Santa Clara accountable to a standard in which the school goes beyond performing inclusivity through surface level attempts at diversity. Rather, we wished to see the university fully protect marginalized communities and create a space where they can not only survive, but also thrive. We still want these same things. Transparency was one of the four main concerns on our original list of demands. We continue to work towards seeing this goal institutionalized on our campus. Thus far, we have succeeded in implementing quarterly meetings with the administration and quarterly campus-wide forums with the administration. We have also seen the administration do more in terms of keeping the campus community informed about incidents that threaten the goal of inclusivity or the well-being of students on campus. As we continue to work towards this goal, the administration has not been transparent regarding one subject: the Blue Ribbon Commission.Since its founding last Spring, the administration has cited the Blue Ribbon Commission as an answer to our questions of when—“When will we see Unity 4’s goals realized?” The answer was always: “After the Blue Ribbon Commission finishes their report.”The report was finalized during fall quarter, but the administration has not released any information regarding the Blue Ribbon Commission’s assessment or findings. The information in the report is necessary to understanding the problems on this campus as well as identify potential solutions to these problems. The discovery of the Identity Evropa flyers on our campus in conjunction with our country’s current political climate only serve as reminders of just how immediate and urgent our concerns about safety are and ought to be.*We have asked that University President Father Michael Engh, S.J. release the 37 points outlined by the Blue Ribbon Commission in their report by the end of business day on Feb. 15, the day of the State of the University Address.It is imperative that the administration release this information to be held accountable to not only Unity 4’s demands, but also to uphold their own vocalized commitment to Jesuit values by creating a safe, inclusive space on campus for all marginalized communities. We are asking that the 37 points outlined by the Blue Ribbon Commission as well as an executive summary of the report—which Father Engh will be addressing at the State of the University Address—be released to Unity 4 and the campus community via email and/ or public posting before or on Feb. 15. This will ensure that we as a community can move forward with our goals of achieving a more inclusive and secure campus environment. *The most recent discovery of Identity Europa flyers was on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017, but another flyer was discovered at the end of the fall quarter. The university did not release any information about the flyers posted in the fall.Formed in 2015, Unity 4 is a student organization dedicated to fostering the University’s commitment to inclusive excellence and the success of a diverse community


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