Second Annual “All in for SCU”

Over $1 Million Raised for University

Maura TurcotteTHE SANTA CLARAApril 2, 2014P1200132 

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n March 18, Santa Clara shattered records and raised well over $1 million for its second annual Day of Giving challenge, “All in for SCU.”

In order to receive a $500,000 donation from an anonymous alumni couple from the classes of 1972 and ’73, Santa Clara had to obtain gifts from at least 4,000 donors in one day. Contributors eagerly blew past that number — a total of 4,855 donors brought in $1,221,016. One donor gave a donation of $10,000, the single largest gift of the day.

The sum of this year’s proceeds constitute a 63 percent increase over those of the previous year, wherein 2,973 donors brought in $795,785 for the 2014 Day of Giving.

Mike Wallace, associate vice president for development, was very surprised by the enthusiasm of everyone who participated.

“Four thousand donors was a very ambitious goal,” he said. “I am continually inspired by how alumni, family and friends of Santa Clara rise to meet these ambitious challenges.”

Contributors had the option of choosing which department their money would go towards within the university.

This year, Wallace said that the majority of the donations will allocated toward the Santa Clara Fund for scholarships, academic programs, study abroad, immersion experiences and student initiatives.

“All in for SCU” wasn’t just a day for people to give back to the school. It was a day for many to show off their pride for their cherished alma mater.

“More impressive than the amount raised was the number of donors that were inspired to give that day,” Wallace said. “Many of these donors are alumni and will count towards the university’s alumni giving participation rate. Alumni giving participation is a component of the U.S. News and World Report Rankings and is considered a measurement of alumni satisfaction.”

Planned by a committee of eight staff members, “All in for SCU” proved to be a success for the school a second year in a row, according to Wallace.

While plans are already underway for 2016, the focus of the event remains on the students.

“This event helps inspire both pride and support for the university,” said Wallace. “Over $1.2 million was donated in support of current and future students.”

Contact Maura Turcotte at .