Social Media Forms Communities

By Summer Meza


The scope of social media has slowly expanded over the last several years and now is not only a means of interacting with friends, but also a tool through which students can connect to their university, both the student body and the network of clubs, groups and organizations that comprise their experience on campus. 

The beginning of a school year ensures a completely new round of pages to check out, groups to join, and events to RSVP to. Facebook dominates the social realm of online college life, not only connecting new friends, but helping students easily access information on nearly every aspect of their lives at school. Pages range from practical advice regarding housing or enrollment, to groups for each graduating class or each floor of residence halls, to entertaining pages like "SCU Memes" and "SCU Compliments."

The most recent school related Facebook phenomenon, SCU Compliments, has taken off as a platform to anonymously submit a compliment about a friend for all 2,000 of the page's followers to see. Students submit kind words about people they may be too shy to praise in person, or close friends they admire. It has been received in a positive light amongst students who see the frequent updates and the way that those who receive compliments are pleased and excited to hear such things about themselves.

Outside of yearbooks, there are not many opportunities for students to express their thoughts on one another in such a straightforward manner, especially not without creating the expectation of reciprocation. The added aspect of anonymity that SCU Compliments provides for students draws positive words from people who may never feel brave enough to approach the person they want to compliment but feel they deserve to be addressed anyway. 

Other Santa Clara related sites, such as SCU Memes or any of the multiple Twitter profiles dedicated to life as a Bronco have also gained their share of popularity, relying on submissions or suggestions for their content. Online pages like these contribute to the community feel of the student body, whether they address inside jokes or convey up-to-the-minute sports updates.

The enormous amount of support and entertainment related to the student body here at Santa Clara provides a digital version of the tight-knit community on campus.

Contact Summer Meza at or call (408) 554-4852.


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