Scene Perla Luna Scene Perla Luna

Images Dazzles with Diverse Array of Dance

The show must go on—even if you have a sore arm from a meningitis shot. Dancers in Images 2016 showed off their tenacity and spectacular dance moves last weekend during a performance that had been in the making since Fall Quarter.

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Opinion Alexandra Armas Opinion Alexandra Armas

Stop Painting Art Degrees with Broad Brushstrokes

All too often when discussing my future career as a dancer, I get asked the same question: “Yeah, but what are you going to do?”It is a widespread stereotype that an art degree is not as valuable as other degrees in the workplace, but that is not necessarily true.

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News Nicolas Sonnenburg News Nicolas Sonnenburg

Death Artistically Portrayed

Actors and dancers from Tandy Beal & Co. led audiences through a two–hour exploration of mortality, realities and the mysteries of death in the Mayer Theatre this past weekend.

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