The Nitro Circus is in Town
Gogo JonesTHE SANTA CLARAJanuary 22, 2014
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]embers of the Nitro Circus crew were present for a screening of “Nitro Circus: The Movie” last night at an off-campus location on Bellomy Street.Created by Red Bull Athlete Travis Pastrana, Nitro Circus features a wide variety of stunts and tricks featuring the world’s best extreme sports athletes. Though they have performed in places all over the world such as Australia, Europe and Russia, this is their very first North American Tour.The screening was organized in part by Santa Clara junior and Red Bull student representative Cris Cafiero, who welcomed students to watch the movie, interact with the athletes and enter a raffle to win two tickets and VIP access to the Jan. 22 performance of "Nitro Circus Live" at the SAP Center in San Jose.After the screening, the riders stayed to sign autographs and show off their bikes to fans. One such rider was Red Bull Athlete Josh Sheehan, who is one of only a few people to have successfully landed a double back flip on a motocross bike. Sheehan, who was acquired by the Nitro Circus team in 2011, says the North American Tour has been an incredible experience so far. “People love watching our performances, but sometimes they don’t realize the real reason were doing this,” he said, “It’s not just about doing crazy, dangerous stunts- its about pushing limits and being creative with your friends."

All photo credit to Max Moyer Gogo Jones is a sophomore Communication major and Online Editor. Contact him at