The Santa Clara Editorial Board Endorses Black Lives Matter

The Santa Clara’s editorial board stands with the Black Lives Matter movement.

We mourn for George Floyd and his family. Just as we do for Sandra Bland, Philando Castille, Breonna Taylor among hundreds of others.

The aggressive behavior of police in this nation is intolerable and must be met with decisive change from the highest offices in our nation.

This is not a political issue. It is an abuse of human rights.

The Santa Clara recognizes that injustice builds upon injustice.

The history of inequity in this country has gone on for too long. We believe the country must atone for and reconcile the age-old sins of slavery, the decimation of native people, the oppression of women among others. We believe these are systemic injustices which plague our country and prey upon our weakest citizens.

The more this behavior is normalized, the more it pervades our nation’s psyche. It must be combatted.

In the face of a government which mobilizes police and other armed forces against citizens and journalists we must fight back. Not with force but with truth.

Our news cycle may have ended on May 29 but the news never stops.

For this reason, we call on our Bronco community. Our opinion section is open to you. Our news section is open to you. Email and to pitch your story.

We also have established a Google Form with which fellow Broncos can tell their stories and views during this time. Anyone who responds will have the ability to request anonymity.

That form can be found here (SCU credentials required).

We call on you all to do what you can in the face of evil. Donate, demonstrate, educate.

Stay strong. Stay safe.

Black Lives Matter.


Last Night I Cried


The End of “One Country, Two Systems”