Trump Goes on Pardoning Spree

President pardons multiple individuals following the end of impeachment

On Tuesday, Feb. 18, President Donald Trump pardoned a number of people including former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and former New York City police commissioner Bernie Kerik.  

In total, Trump took clemency actions for 11 people. These interventions come as Trump faces growing criticism for weighing in on cases of former aides. 

Trump drew connections between investigations into his own conduct and that of Blagojevich, who appeared on Trump’s reality TV show, “Celebrity Apprentice.” 

Trump said that he believed Blagojevich was subjected to a “ridiculous sentence” that did not fit his crime. 

In addition to these men, Trump also commuted the sentences of several women who are more representative of the usual pardon requests. 

They include Judith Negron who has been serving 35 years in a Florida prison for health care fraud, conspiracy and money laundering. Negron’s case, among others, was championed by criminal justice reform advocates.  

Others that were pardoned included financier Michael Milken who plead guilty to violating U.S. securities laws, and Edward DeBartolo Jr., former San Francisco 49ers owner who was convicted in a gambling fraud scandal. 

Many of these pardons were met with mixed reactions. Some have praised Trump for taking these actions now that the impeachment process is over. Others see these actions as testing the limits of Trump’s office.


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