Your New Favorite Record Store is Just “On the Corner”

No one knows the name of the record store nestled just two doors down from Park Station Hashery, but it’s no mystery what they sell there. With its rounded black-and-white sign out front reading“RECORDS,” On the Corner Music does a fantastic job at marketing its merchandise, but do Santa Clara students really know what’s behind the door?

Upon entering this cozy used record store, newcomers are immersed in the nostalgic scent of box after box of assorted 60’s, 70’s and 80’s vinyl. The space is filled with the soft crackling of a jazz record that store owner Jeff Michael Evans has just taken out of its worn cardboard sleeve. 

Evans has loved music his whole life. Looking back, he considers himself lucky to have grown up in an era so centered around the medium. 

“Vinyl was the normal media at the time,” Evans said, recalling the early days of his collection. 

Despite the rise of CD’s in the late 80s and early 90s, Evans noted that vinyl was still very popular among kids at the time, primarily due to its lower price point.

When starting his career as a DJ, Evans’ appreciation of the feel and sound of vinyl grew. His philosophy is that keeping in touch with vintage media is a way to stay connected to the past. “There’s something so enjoyable about it,” Evans said, referring to his favorite labor of love.

Since then, Evans has not only continued to buy vinyl for himself, but since he started his business nearly 17 years ago, he’s collecting more than ever. 

“There are tons of good records hiding,” Evans asserted, recalling his early days in the vinyl business, when he frequented Goodwills and yard sales.

He feels he hasn’t even scratched the surface of what the Bay Area’s dusty basement record collections have to offer. And with the resurgence of vinyl in the last several years, Evans is excited to connect the older generation’s collections to newer listeners.

On the Corner Music offers the opportunity to buy records that will make your parents say, “I think I used to have that one when I was in college.” Evans finds that the “new generation” has a unique perspective, appreciating past music more because it is all fresh to them. He believes this generation has a new found love for the classics that are typically only found used. 

While Evans loves plenty of the new vinyl coming out, his heart lies with pre-owned records.  

“The real fun is with used vinyl,” Evans said. “They’ve got so much history to them.” 

For Evans, modern streaming platforms like YouTube and Spotify, which younger listeners have grown used to, are simply “not the point.” While these platforms do offer a wide variety of music and provide a more convenient way to listen to your favorite songs, he thinks streaming services are meant for “the background,” and that vinyl brings a unique intentionality to listening. Evans believes that it takes a true devotion to the music to own and play vinyl, and that often develops a new love for your favorite songs.

From acclaimed classics like Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumours” and The Beatles’ “Abbey Road” to more elusive deep-cuts like Pink Floyd’s “Animals,” On the Corner Music has something for everyone. 

“Music is to share,” said Evans. And with his stock of roughly 10,000 records, he has more than enough to go around.

Evans proudly offers the kind of store that he always wanted to find as an avid fan of the medium–one that is open to everyone. “Whether you’re new to vinyl or experienced,” he said, “this store is welcoming to all.”

To this end, Evans is hosting a backyard record swap this November. Information on this and other events can be found on On the Corner Music’s Instagram, @33sonthecorner.


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