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The Easy Answer to the question, "How are your classes?"

The third question on everyone's lips (after "What is book?" and "Can I go home?") is "How are your classes?". Since our earliest ancestor first krumped its way out of the primordial Gogurt and into an Intro to Terrestrial Survivalism classroom, we have lacked the tools necessary to answer this question with any respectable measure of precision or accuracy. But no more!

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Scene TSC Archives Scene TSC Archives

Cafe Socrates delivers hot servings of philosophy

"What makes a bad person bad?" was the hot topic of last week's Cafe Socrates. Cafe Socrates is a weekly gathering of the minds sponsored by the philosophy department, in which philosophy majors and non-majors alike come together to discuss and reason answers to questions such as this.

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How to stay healthy during the winter

New Years: a time for family, fireworks, food and of course, those pesky resolutions. Though it's true that most New Year's resolutions barely survive until Valentine's Day, it never hurts to try. The New Year gives us all a chance to start fresh, or to eat fresh, so try these tips and tricks to help you to stay healthy in the new year.

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San Jose convention center showcases auto show

Looking for a new car as a graduation present or to drive that ridiculous distance from Bellomy Street to your classes across campus this year? You may have wanted to attend Motor Trend's Silicon Valley International Auto Show.

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SCU: Ten years in review

How has SCU changed over the years? We track application and acceptance rates, the rise in housing and tuition prices, and the ethnic makeup at SCU. Click on the image gallery to see our findings.

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You grazers will only read the headline for this anyways...

The rise of online media and the resulting drop in the popularity of print is old news.

However, it seems that the speed of technology has permeated not just the platform of news, but also the reading habits of many Americans.

Both on and offline, a large majority of readers have turned to skimming.

Loyalty to a single news provider and thorough readings of the newspaper are dying practices. In short, we have become news grazers.

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