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"The Roommate" flops as college thriller

Although "The Roommate" features some startling scenes involving cats, dryers and belly rings that would make the weak-stomached feel queasy, the film failed to deliver any memorably scary, or even unsettling, thrills.

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Like, OMG, you know?

"Thank God you called me," I blurted into the phone. "There are these girls in line in front of me. They're like...from ‘Mean Girls' or something, you know?" Suddenly I froze. Had I just said "They're like" and "you know" in the same sentence?!

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Academy Awards Preview

As much as I'd like to believe that the Academy will try voting for something different, all signs point to the traditional Oscar bait, "The King's Speech," taking home the most important golden statuette.

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Student film entered in recent film festival

After discovering a duffel bag full of weed stuffed into his trash can, Alex, a 20-something-year-old college student, becomes caught up in life as a drug-dealer. This is the premise that sets up "Five Pounds," a feature-length film written, directed, and produced by junior Michael Peer.

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Body Worlds Vital displays complete human cadavers

If you are looking for incentive to drag yourself to the gym, visit the Body Worlds Vital exhibit at the Tech Museum in downtown San Jose. The exhibit features real human organs, skeletons, and muscles that have been preserved through plastination.

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The Art of Inking

Let's face it: there's something sexy about tattoos. For our generation, tattoos are a tangible form of self-expression; a silent means of showcasing one's personality through art.

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Chinese New Year ushers in the Year of the Rabbit

In efforts to celebrate the Chinese New Year with those who are away from family, CSA hosts their annual trip to San Francisco, where the club travels as a group to eat a tradition meal of dim sum and watch the vivacious celebratory parade in Union Square.

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The Hub seeks to 'celebrate, not remediate' writing

"Really good writers are conscious writers, aware of the relationship between what they write and the intent of the task and the target audience...Really good writers seek out writing partners, other really good writers who can provide an objective perspective, something that's nearly impossible to do for oneself," she writes. The Hub seeks to fulfill this mission.

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Adderall: The Academic Steroid

Although those who use "it" at Santa Clara do their best to keep that knowledge hush-hush, in general, students' use of prescription Adderall to enhance their studying abilities is no secret. "It was surprising to see how many people did it at Santa Clara," said Brian, another student who takes Adderall without a prescription. "I felt like it was such a low thing, but I found out that literally dozens of people I knew had taken it."

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ComedySportz showcases aggressive humor

Relatively cheap, close to campus and entertaining, ComedySportz ­— an improv company that performs four times a week in downtown San Jose — offers a unique night out with friends for a pleasant escape from the drudge of winter quarter.

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Joel Salatin teaches philosophy of farming

Salatin is a farmer in Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. His farm, Polyface Farms, is known for its environmentally friendly and economical farming techniques, as well as its mission to cultivate an emotional relationship between its livestock and customers. Salatin is known for authoring several books, including "Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal: War Stories From the Local Food Front." He was also featured in Michael Pollan's book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" as well as the documentary films, "Food, Inc." and "Fresh."

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Golden Globes open award season

The Golden Globes are generally considered to be the most casual of the major film award shows. Though some years their results eerily mirror the Oscars, other years the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (the voting body of journalists behind the Globes) goes in a different direction than the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (the Oscars' voting bloc).  Regardless, the Globes are always an interesting spectacle honoring the best in film and television.

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San Jose hosts Oversocial Mofo slam poetry contest

On Friday night, poets, musicians, artists and thespians alike gathered in the Gallery Anno Domini for the Oversocial Mofo Revue, San Jose's local variety show hosted by Tatyana Brown, Mike McGee and David Perez.

The Revue showcases three main acts: poetry, music and "something uncommon," as stated on their website. However, last Friday the Revue hosted the San Jose Poetry Slam.

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Prepping for the world's end

Although the world may not end in 2012, there exists a more realistic danger that Bay Area residents have to fear.

The "Superstorm," previously thought to be a super earthquake, is expected to devastate California in the near future.

The U.S. Geological Survey has new evidence that indicates that the worst-case scenario Superstorm would be a hurricane producing over 10 feet of rain, causing hundreds of billions of dollars in damage.

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