'Fast Five' best of franchise
By this point, the formula for each film in "The Fast and the Furious" franchise seems relatively set in stone: fast cars, buff actors and beautiful actresses. "Fast Five" successfully manages to keep the formula intact while also being something more, possibly making it the best entry in the decade-old series.
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown!
We all recognize the familiar yellow and brown shirt along with the sad, frowning face from the Sunday comics. As the classic American story of "permanent bad luck," Charlie Brown is an all time favorite. With that in mind, the Santa Clara theatre department will be performing "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" from this Friday, May 6, through May 21.
Best of the worst: a critique of rap lyrics
Mainstream hip-hop is arguably at its all-time low, prompting many to proclaim that it is dead. Whether it's the rise of texting, Twitter or simply the fact that we never need to spell anything properly thanks to spell-check, our society is losing intelligence.
Sophomore produces trance, electronic as 'Atlas'
Sophomore Raymond Jacob, also known as Atlas, is fresh on the Santa Clara music scene as one of the campus' hottest local producers. Jacob composes original dubstep/electronic/trance tracks and performs at various parties and other Santa Clara events, like LoveJones.
Double the trouble, twice as nice
Julia and Sam are identical twins, and until college, they hadn't been apart from each other for more than five days. Their freshman year, Sam chose to attend Santa Clara, and Julia chose to attend Occidental College in Los Angeles. However, after a year apart, Julia transferred to Santa Clara to be reunited with Sam.
Campus Safety Pick of the Week: 4/28/2011
4/23: A student was admonished for performing tricks on a unicycle in front of Benson. The student was argumentative and was instructed to leave three times and was told his unicycle would be confiscated if he continued to ride it. He finally left after being documented.
Campus Safety Pick of the Week: 4/21/2011
4/19/11: Two former students were discovered shoplifting at the Cellar Market at Benson. SCPD took them into custody for shoplifting over $500 worth of food items.
Global Village exhibits diverse cultures
A cultural extravaganza with food tents, food trucks, live performances, face painting, street vendors, and a dunk tank on a sunny day—what's not to love? This past Sunday, students gathered on Market Street to celebrate "One Love" at the Multicultural Center's annual Global Village event.
"Your Highness" delivers forgettable laughs
There are only so many sex and marijuana jokes to be made, and although I certainly laughed throughout the premiere of "Your Highness" last Thursday, it came nowhere near breaking any new comedic ground.
The show goes on in Nicaragua
Over spring break, six Santa Clara students and several alumni embarked on a journey to Nicaragua to change lives through the theatre arts. "The trip was so great because it reminded me why I do theater and the power it has," said sophomore Amelia Bethel.
Looking for a good laugh? Try Google
Navigate to the Google search page and pick a question word to type into the box — let's say you pick "where." Google will then assist you by suggesting endings to your question: "where's my refund" and "where is chuck norris," being the top two assists.
Campus Safety Pick of the Week: 4/7/2011
"4/3: The parent of a high school debate tournament participant was escorted off the campus for causing a disturbance and becoming belligerent toward a debate tournament official."
"Source Code" reinvents sci-fi
In his second directorial effort, Duncan Jones (son of rock star David Bowie), along with writer Ben Ripley, has crafted a truly inventive, emotional, and entertaining thriller that takes inspiration from the likes of Alfred Hitchcock and Christopher Nolan.
Tunnel of Oppression 2011
This year, the student-run Tunnel of Oppression exposed real testimonies of students and community members who have faced (and still face) the daily struggle for human rights. The exhibit illustrates the mental, physical, and emotional damage inflicted upon those dealing with racial oppression, homophobia, sexual assault, religious persecution, body image, sexism, electronic waste, poverty, and more.
Junior Amini proves her bi-winning attitude
Politically bound Santa Clara junior Paria Amini pursues her "bi-winning" career strategy by advancing to the top 250 applicants in the Charlie Sheen internship, while promoting her future goals and ambitions in the political sphere.
Noise Pop festival celebrates various forms of art
Now in its nineteenth year, this year's festival featured Yo La Tengo, Best Coast, Ben Gibbard (Death Cab for Cutie), No Age, and Ted Leo among dozens of burgeoning artists on the eclectic lineup. Beyond concerts, Noise Pop includes art exhibits, film series, culture clubs, and happy hours spread across eighteen venues in San Francisco and Oakland.