ASG Senate Prioritizes Student Safety

Meeting initiates cautious measures taken off campus

Anthony Alegrete
The Santa Clara
April 11, 2019

Spring quarter’s week one Associated Student Government (ASG) senate meeting featured proposals regarding student safety and Registered Student Organization (RSO) budget updates.

These proposals included a plan to have two new blue lights, which have emergency phones that call Campus Safety, to be installed on Bellomy Street as well as a plan to have the university provide condoms to the student body.

There are currently over 60 emergency blue lights on campus, with some found as far as a block outside of campus.

These new lights would be located on the corner of Bellomy Street and Park Street by the Kids on Campus building and the pre-existing Dunne Residence Hall blue light would move farther onto Lafayette Street. These blue lights provide direct contact with Campus Safety. ASG President and senior Sam Perez recognizes that a light on city property could pose a potential problem.

“It’s city property, that’s why that light will take years and will require contact with the mayor’s office,” Perez said. “But the other lights will have contact with Campus Safety. This could be a building point, that would allow us to get a better gauge on where to put these lights.”

While the creation of these lights are in the distant future, collaboration has begun to incorporate growing safety precautions into student life.

RSOs are student-run organizations that often receive funding from ASG, faculty departments or other sources of income such as fundraising. Because of the growing number of inactive RSOs, money has begun to stagnate among these clubs.

The April 4 meeting proposed the dissolution of the 93 inactive RSOs currently on campus. Because of this, there is approximately $26,000 dolllar’s worth of unused money in these accounts. This new budget proposal would be an attempt to allow for faculty and departments to reallocate this unused money to RSOs that are currently active.

The next ASG meeting will be held on Thursday, April 18 in the Williman Room at 7 p.m.

Contact Anthony Alegrete at aalegrete@ or call (408) 554-4852.


