Alcohol-Related Medical Emergency

April 6: A campus resident was intoxicated afterreturning from an off-campus party. He was evaluatedby SCU EMS and was well enough to stay in his roomwith a sober friend.

April 6: A non-affiliate guest was found intoxicatedin Graham Residence Hall. The guest was left with theSanta Clara student who invited him to campus.

Drug Violation

April 8: Campus Safety responded to GrahamResidence Hall in response to a smell of marijuana.Campus Safety confiscated a BB gun, drug paraphernaliaand marijuana residue. A fake California license wasalso found.

Information Report

April 5: A concerning letter was found in the women’srestroom of Schott Stadium.

April 6: A Community Facilitator reported smellingcigarette odor in a hallway. After conducting a searchof the area, Campus Safety was unable to locate anyonesmoking but found a cigarette butt and a burn mark in thecarpet. A work order was created for the damaged carpet.

April 6: Three hand-made posters were reportedstolen from Benson Memorial Center.

April 6: Staff at the mailroom at Support Servicesreported that items were disturbed in their facility.

April 7: A Swig Residence Hall elevator was reportedmalfunctioning with a custodian trapped inside. CampusSafety and a Paramount technician responded and openedthe elevator door.

April 7: A non-affiliate was given a trespass warningat the Mission Church.

April 7: A non-affiliated male was observed walking hisdogs without a leash in the Mission Gardens and Bellomyfield. He was warned and his personal information wasdocumented.

April 8: Campus Safety and SCPD responded to anattempted bike theft at the bookstore east bike rack. Thesuspects tried to cut a U-Lock off a bike. Two non-affiliatesfled south on Park Avenue. Campus Safety and SCPDdetained one suspect for a drug paraphernalia violationand trespassing.

April 8: Campus Safety and SCFD responded to afire alarm from the North Parking Structure. The causewas a smoke detector in the elevator room. SCFD resetthe alarm but the alarm sounded a short time later. Thefire panel was placed on test until repairs could be done.

Medical Emergency

April 7: A campus resident reported having chestpains. He was evaluated by SCFD and transported to ahospital by ambulance.

April 7: A campus resident was reported falling off hisskateboard. He had abrasions to his right shoulder, bothelbows, right hip, both knees and right inner wrist area.SCU EMS cleaned his wounds and wrapped them up.

Student Behavior

April 5: Students were observed urinating next to ahouse on Lafayette Street. A parent of St. Clare Schoolcomplained and the Office of Student Life was notified.

From Campus Safety reports.



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