Campus Safety Fall 2016 Week 1

Alcohol Related Medical Emergency Sept. 21: A campus resident was found intoxicated in a Swig Residence Hall women’s restroom. She was escorted back to her room and refused further medical assistance. Sept. 22: A campus resident was reported stumbling and walking into walls toward his room. He admitted to have been drinking an unknown amount of alcohol at an off campus party. SCU EMS evaluated him and allowed him to remain in his room monitored by his roommate.Alcohol Violation Sept. 21: Campus Safety assisted a Residence Life staff member to search a resident’s room for alcoholic beverages. Several students were found inside the room and were identified. Empty bottles and shot glasses were found, but no alcohol was present.Found Property Sept. 27: A Social Security card was found and turned in to the Campus Safety office. The card was returned to the owner.Informational Report Sept. 25: Campus Safety responded and documented water damage to a resident’s room. The damage was to the bathroom floor, caused by water that had overflown from the sink.Sept. 28: Campus Safety assisted SCPD in search for runaway minors from the Bill Wilson Center. Two minors were located at the solar house next to Malley Fitness Center and SCPD took both of them into custody.Medical Emergency Sept. 27: A Campus Bookstore staff member injured her hand when she accidentally smashed it in a door. A Campus Safety officer provided first aid care and she denied further medical assistance.Student Behavior Sept. 22: A student was observed urinating in the bushes by Varsi Hall in the middle of the night while another student took a picture. They were both identified and questioned by a Campus Safety officer.Theft Sept. 24: A laundry basket containing towels was reported missing from the Swig Residence Hall laundry room when left overnight.Trespassing Sept. 22: A non-affiliate male was being disruptive and making staff and students feel uncomfortable in the Harrington Learning Commons. Campus Safety admonished him and escorted him out of the building.Vandalism Sept. 22: An unknown person wrote an unwanted comment on a campus resident’s room door. A work order was completed to clean the door. From Campus Safety reports. Email

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