Malley Makes Modest Modifications

Small improvements made over summer, more in the works

Brian Schunk THE SANTA CLARASeptember 29, 2016Students getting their fall fitness fix may have noticed small changes made to Malley Fitness Center in the summer months.With Santa Clara aiming to add 600 students to its overall enrollment by the year 2020, there have been efforts to maximize Malley’s space efficiency and accommodate the growing student population.Two main changes have been underway since the start of July, the more noticeable of which is the new placement of the weight room desk.While previously the desk stood in the back of the weight room away from the entrance, it is now closer to the front doors and roughly half the size.According to Janice DeMonsi, the director of recreation, the change now allows the weight room attendant to greet people walking in and has created additional space for students to exercise.What will eventually become of the space where the old desk once stood, is yet to be determined. According to DeMonsi, the decision will be largely based on staff observations of how students are using the space now.Two separate offices for student coordinators were also combined to make more efficient usage of the former vending machine room. By moving the vending machines into the hallway, there is now room for six additional work stations that aim to centralize student workers.“I think a number of people probably didn’t realize we had vending machines,” DeMonsi said.With two projects in the books, DeMonsi said she is not done just yet. Other projects, to be completed in the near future, both involve improving the functionality and safety of the weight room.Malley plans to install an emergency phone in the weight room as well as update and replace old equipment.In discussing possible future renovations, DeMonsi stressed how difficult it is to obtain student feedback when the only full time staff members are herself and assistant director of recreation, Kathryn Hutchings.Given their limitations, Malley recently enlisted the help of an independent consultant, Lisa Kramer, to evaluate their programs with the help of student focus groups. In the sessions, students will be asked to provide positive and negative feedback on the existing campus recreation programs and services, as well as asked to help identify additional services and support they would like access to.Contact Brian Schunk at bschunk@scu. edu.

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