Spring fever can ignite relationships

By Justin Manger

Ahhhhhhh ... the sun is shining brilliantly, the weather is warm and inviting, girls are wearing progressively less clothing and Santa Clara is absolutely teeming with prospects. This, of course, means virtually everyone's mind is focused upon one thing: Aristotelian philosophy and its fundamental place in Eudemonistic thought.

What?! You mean to tell me you're not thinking about the very nature of knowledge itself in your spare time? Well okay then ... I guess I'll just talk about the other thing on everyone's mind.

It seems that in this quarter, more so than in fall or winter, base physicality parades itself around the Santa Clara campus. Hormones are at an annual high, increased beyond even the customary adolescent default of "raging." Many students with bodies appearing to have divinely blessed are freely soaking up the sun in public view.

One would think that cross -gender interaction would be at an all-time high, and that you would see hands being held all over on campus. But for some reason, as I've casually glanced around campus, I've noticed that a lot of people hang out either with groups comprised of only their own gender, or simply walk around alone.

Granted, this is not to say that there isn't some quality lovin' goin' on. This article, however, is for the many students who don't have that oh-so-wonderful connection, relationship-based or otherwise.

To my fellow Santa Clara brethren: does it not sometimes seem to you that we are in something resembling heaven at Santa Clara? Sometimes all the motivation I need to pry myself away from my warm bed and walk to class is knowing what kinds of breathtaking scenery I will be fortunate enough to observe on the way ... and I'm not just referring to Santa Clar's admirable landscape. And yet, even though we are surrounded by an amazingly large number of awe-inspiringly beautiful young women, looking is, sadly, where it usually begins and ends (even though we really wish that such wasn't the case).

We've all been there, in some form or another. There is the "in class from afar" crush, where you are sitting there, trying to be subtle about dreamily staring at a supremely feminine human being. Your thoughts run along the lines of: "Wow, she is one of the most stunningly gorgeous girls I have ever seen. It would be so amazing to (use your imagination) ... I really should talk to her, but ... ah, I'm sure she has a boyfriend already/she probably isn't interested in me, so I won't make a fool out of myself."

Or it could be the acquaintance type crush, where the girl you periodically say "hey" to is also the one occupying hours of your daydreaming, and yet you can't find the right time or situation to actually strike up that much-desired special conversation. Sometimes it's even your neighbor, who can turn a botched come-on into unnervingly awkward interaction for the rest of the year.

Still, despite all of the potential ego deflation we risk, we guys should nonetheless go for it. I'm not talking about making blatantly obnoxious comments our hormones sometimes call us to make, but rather to simply be yourself, and talk to her as another person (as opposed to a piece of meat wearing a skirt). Of course, that's much easier said than done.

The insecurities and fears we have most often exist for some kind of valid reason, especially when it comes to our testosterone-charged egos getting bruised in the most painful of ways. It's never enjoyable to find out that she already has a boyfriend, isn't interested, or even to have the conversation be awkward and brief. But for all of the failed attempts and bull you'll have to endure, the times where that connection is made will leave you feeling like Superman.

And ladies, being that most of what I said regarding how guysthink is true for you as well (hey, there wouldn't be a human race if it wasn't), as an unofficial representative of the guys attending Santa Clara, I have a request. Please work on your "I like you" indicators. Whether you mean to or not, most of the time you give us guys really mixed signals, and/or a poker face which gives us neither a "keep talking" or "get lost" indication.

If you like a guy, don't be so guarded about showing it: make eye contact with him, smile at him, hug him ... something that makes it clear you like him without hanging all over him (yes, it is possible). Heck, you might want to even try going up to and starting a conversation with him. Even though it hasn't traditionally been your "job," you just might be pleasantly surprised at what happens.


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