Scene John Flynn Scene John Flynn

Highly Casual Corner: Hope For The Return Of The Space Opera

Nerds kill the fun of space flicks. They cross-reference the physics of every interstellar explosion or derring-do flight maneuver, and howl with fury when they find an error. They demand accuracy, and film directors risk mockery if they don’t deliver. This might be for the best.

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Scene Riley O'Connell Scene Riley O'Connell

One Act Festival Examines Odd Couples

On Sunday, three theatre arts majors showcased their directorial prowess in the Fess Parker Theatre. The show sold out and each of the vignettes entertained the full house in their own way.

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Scene Jimmy Flynn Scene Jimmy Flynn

First Annual Cookoff Fights Fire with Fire

Two dozen professional and amateur competitors put their salsa and chili recipes to the test in the first annual event, which had been stewing in the mind of Flea Market Event Organizer Rich Alvari for years

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Scene John Flynn Scene John Flynn

Highly Casual Corner: Seeing A Bad Show By A Great Artist

He let the melancholy acoustic guitar riff of his masterpiece, “Ayo for Yayo” loop as the audience went bonkers. He touched outstretched hands and extended the mic to us so we could finish off the final chorus a capella. He turned to the crowd, inhaled deeply and hollered, “Make some noise for drugs and alcohol baby!”

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Scene Jimmy Flynn Scene Jimmy Flynn

First Friday Shows San Jose’s Fun Side

As the sun went down, the lights stayed on in San Jose’s South First Area (SoFA) district. Every first Friday of the month, local spots keep their doors open late, offering self-guided tours of art galleries, sizzling munchies from well-regarded restaurants and performances by local bands.

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Scene Jimmy Flynn Scene Jimmy Flynn

Bay To Broken: The Sloppiest Sunday of 2015

At 3 a.m. Sunday morning, an obscene hour to be awake, hundreds of gaudily costumed Santa Clara students were drinking, blasting EDM and piling into trains, party buses and carpools headed to San Francisco for the annual Bay to Breakers footrace.

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Scene Eddie Solis Jr. Scene Eddie Solis Jr.

Drag Show Gets Real

Santa Clara students talked straight about being gay this weekend at the annual Drag Show. Participants shined, comfortable in their own skin, as they performed harmlessly risque routines, vibing off the crowd’s cheers and showing a more fun side of the LGBT community.

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Scene John Flynn Scene John Flynn

XYZ: The Atypical Fraternity

Fraternities have an image issue. Stories about property damage, whimsical racism or semi-consensual sex have teetered these macho pillars of university life. XYZ aims to be different.

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