Mother's Day
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are torturous enough in their own right, but tack on a nine to five, cooking dinner, doing the dishes and putting us to bed each night for years and years and you’ve got the hardest job known to (wo)man. In gratitude, we as a society have deemed one day per year to be enough to honor these wonderful women. It’s tragically insufficient, but to make the most of this day, I offer a few suggestions.
The Hi-Life Tastes Like Meat and Potatoes
I’m a ham and eggs man. So it’s rare that I live the high life. But last weekend, I ate a ritzy feast at Henry’s World Famous Hi-Life, a San Jose institution since 1960.
The Deep Weirdness of Kimmy Schmidt
“Whose ghosts are they? Why are they haunting Pac-Man? What did he do to them?” These are some of the important questions “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” asks in its second season.
Queer Film Festival Tells “Untold Stories”
The vast majority of American films have been made about straight people. Through its second annual Queer Film Festival, the Rainbow Resource Center hopes to help the Santa Clara community explore and discuss intersectionality and LGBTQ+ portrayal in the media.
A Visit to Cannery Row’s Crown Jewel
Today, Cannery Row is a boulevard full of suspiciously smelling seafood restaurants, knick-knack shops and cheap clothing stores, where T-shirts in the window say stuff like “I Got Crabs at (Insert Restaurant Name Here).” However, in the center of this prefabricated paradise stands a crown jewel: the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
The Life of Pablo and the Death of Permanence
As music migrated online, record labels became unnecessary, CD sales became meaningless and with the sloppy, stilted release of “The Life of Pablo,” Kanye West pioneered a new change—the in-progress album that gets finished in public.
Whitewashing on the Big Screen
Using special effects to make a white actor look Japanese? No problem. Using a Japanese actor to play a Japanese role? Unthinkable. Scarlett Johansson signing on as the Japanese lead in “The Ghost in the Shell” has once again added fuel to the fire started by #OscarsSoWhite.
Opening Day
On April 7, I did my civic duty and attended the San Jose Giants’ home opener as they took on fellow Single-A opponent, the Lancaster JetHawks.
San Jose Beat Poet Finds Winning Groove
Before Mike McGee picked up performance poetry, he wanted to be a priest, but ultimately decided it wasn’t the right stage for him—he wanted better lighting and a crowd more receptive to foul language.