Homelessness Week Educates and Aids
For the second year in a row, Santa Clara has designated an annual Homelessness Week, during which on-campus organizations collaborate and host different events that educate the community.
Discussion Encouraged to Promote Inclusivity
The Multicultural Center has been facilitating the Difficult Dialogues series about the current increasing diversity among students at Santa Clara.
Spoken Word and Musical Talents Performed at Love Jones
One of Santa Clara’s most popular quarterly traditions gives students a chance to get away from academic stress, appreciate the talent of their peers and enjoy an evening of entertaining acts.
Global Problem Simulated
Santa Clara’s Hunger Banquet informed over 50 attendees on Tuesday that contrary to popular belief, hunger is not about scarcity of food combined with too many people. The true problem is an unequal distribution of resources.
Engineers Take on Projects
Under what is expected to be clear skies, over a hundred Santa Clara students will compete in a kickball tournament run by Engineers Without Borders this Sunday.
Black History Honored at Discussion
This past Wednesday the Santa Clara Community Action Program hosted SCCAP-y Hour, a quarterly event focusing on different themes relating to social justice and service.
Competition Draws World-Class Surfing Talent
Twenty-four of the world’s best big wave surfers made a pilgrimage to Half Moon Bay, Calif., where, last Friday, they took on one of the most notorious swells in the world at the Mavericks Invitational.
Students Philosophize Campus
For about 12 years, students interested in critical thinking about profound questions have gathered at the one-time weekly meetings at Café Socrates.
Laughs Take the Stage
Santa Clara is a place where every interest group can find their niche. One of the most unique activities that students enjoy is the improv team.
Power Through Pathways
The university’s Pathway requirement can be a source of stress for students, from freshmen who don’t understand what to do, to seniors who now have to write their Pathway reflection essay.
The Nitro Circus is in Town
Members of the Nitro Circus crew were present for a screening of “Nitro Circus: The Movie” last night at an off-campus location on Bellomy Street.
Baby Shower is Born
Maybe you’ve heard of Baby Shower, but odds are you haven’t. That’s because the duo hadn’t performed in front of an audience until last Saturday at a house on Bellomy Street...